BrandBird September 2022 Updates
Written by Jim Raptis
Sep 29, 2022
It's been another busy month for BrandBird with a few interesting & useful new features, and many bug & performance fixes.
Last month’s big update introduced a few annoying bugs & performance issues, but now BrandBird works even better & faster than before.
Let’s have a quick look at new features & updates:
→ New Mockups & better Arrow Layout
→ Better Paste Shortcuts
→ 10+ New Templates
→ New Business Details
Let's have a better look together!👇
💫 Fresh Mockups & Arrow Layout

The new arrow layout is fire 🔥
You can customize the arrow by choosing between 10 arrow shapes and 2 placements for the arrow position. Size & color are also adjustable!

Also, the new iPhone 14 mobile mockup is available on BrandBird! Both in the BrandBird studio and as a separate free mockup generator.
🚀 10+ New Stunning Templates

The 10+ new BrandBird templates take advantage of the new mockups & image annotation layers & effects.
It’s an attempt to show you the unlimited possibilities of the previous month's BrandBird update.
Feel free to explore & remix them at
📋 New Paste Functionality

You might have noticed that the paste functionality with the shortcuts has changed a bit lately. Let me explain the paste shortcuts briefly:
- ⌘ (or CTRL) + V: It replaces the currently selected image layer (annotation or layout image). If you don't have any image selected, it adds a new layout image.
- ⌘ (or CTRL) + SHIFT + V: It adds a new annotation image layer from your clipboard’s content.
🏛️ Billing: Company Details Update
A quick heads up about your next BrandBird invoice details!
This week, I’ve completed the transition to a new company form, so all the new invoices & receipts will be issued by my new company, BrandFlow L.P.
The full company details are:
Company Name: BRANDFLOW L.P.
Business Address: ΚΑΙΣΑΡΕΙΑΣ 12, Thessaloniki, 54454, Greece
VAT ID: EL801904302
That’s all for now folks! Talk soon!